
2017 MVP Calendars (All calendar photos shown below when you visit the web site.)

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Saturday, October 30 is the annual Piscataquog Glenn lake drawdown and bbq.  The river has two sections, a class 2 run from Gregg falls dam in Goffstown to Henry Bridge road and the class 1 run from Henry Bridge to Lynchville park.  Nancy Gero and John Jenkins are cooking up the steak tips, baked 'taters amd fixin's. Please feel free to bring a dessert and beverage of choice. This is always a fun run, not terribly challenging but plenty of small surfing waves to play on and lunch is on MVP/AMC!

The Piscat run/bbq traditionally marks the "end" of the paddling season for many, however the MVP will continue running trips all fall ( and probably most of the winter) if we have water. Do not forget our annual Icicle Run (aka Hell on Hangover paddle) on the Winni in Tilton/Frankin on January 1, 2011!

January also marks the beginning of our pool parties. We haven't started serious discussions with the pools at this time, ( or even set a budget) but I expect we will continue to have pool sessions in Manchester, Dover and Bellrica. If anyone wants support to run the Laconia pool let us know!   

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