
2017 MVP Calendars (All calendar photos shown below when you visit the web site.)

$13 each; pickup New Years Day Event. Supply limited.

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MVP 2010 annual meeting PDF Print E-mail

The annual MVP meeting will be held at the Merrimack VFW on Friday night, October 15. The event is the annual election of officers and club get together. Butch Mixon is working to find paddle videos for entertainment. The VFW is located on Route 3, between exits 10 and 11 ( north of the Bud plant, south of Burger King)

Please bring a dish to share. The event is NOT byob as the facility will provide a bar and bar tender. Come early, lets get the elections over so the important stuff, socializing, can take place. Don't go over board as the Lake Horace/North Branch of the Piscat drawdown begins at 7 am the next morning. (Most people will probably roll in closer to 8 or 9 am but the dam opens at 7 for the early risers.)

If you have a vision for where this club can go and you want to have an impact on your fellow paddlers please get involved.  We need people who want to get involved in club administration. Your level of paddling experience is not important, a new beginner could be a great president or vice president!  


Last Updated ( Wednesday, 13 October 2010 )
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