For participate in rolling, camping, rafting, Low Country Boil, etc, please click (to expand) the section below for the
activity you're interested in. Membership is not required for all activities although it is encouraged.
Go to the membership page
to join. Thanks.
When can I reserve/pay?
The Website automatically enables each payment button as each activity approaches (as noted below each button).
For rolling, payments can be made December–April.
For camping, payments are enabled about 10 days in advance of the trip (except
for the Fall West trip). This is to cut down on cancellations and people double-booking by mistake
(as well as avoid confusion with payments for overlapping trips).
For the Fall West payments are enabled on September 1st since this is
the only trip that sells out and we want to give folks a chance to make other
arrangements once we fill up.
Please try and reserve a few days early. If we don't get enough reservations
before the cancellation deadline we'll cancel some of our sites to avoid losing money.
Will it be crowded or noisy?
Short answer—Yes. Paddlers' are
notoriously cheap. We try to make it convenient and inexpensive for folks by crowding as close as the campground allows.
If you need extra space; or like it real quiet you might consider splurging on a private site (but not too far away, we
like to socialize with our friends).
Once we've paid the park, given them the list of campers, or the campground cancellation deadline has past (varies for
each campground, usually ranges from 1-day up to 1-week), refunds are not given.
You can however sell your spot to someone else.
How much do we charge—who gets the money?
The Merrimack Valley Paddlers is
a non-profit
corporation chartered by the State of New Hampshire. We generally run things on a break-even basis except for a
few things clearly identified as for fund raising (ie, tshirt sales, calendars, raffles, etc.).
Rolling and Camping prices are set depending upon the facility charge. Rolling is an average of the cost of all the
pools; camping varies depending upon the campground. For the last three fiscal years the MVP has averaged yearly
receipts of $4,140 with yearly expenses of $4160 for camping and rolling (an average loss of $20/year, which BTW,
also includes credit-card processing fees.)
For rafting, shuttle fees, etc, we charge exactly what the the outfitter charges us (the MVP eats the
credit-card processing expenses).
Equipment rental receipts are plowed back into the gear in the form
of equipment maintenance, upgrades, and replacement.
Special events (ie, P'Cat Drawdown, New Years Day, etc) the club pays for facilities and food and puts out
a donation jar. Our members have proven very generous in the past; most years the donation jar receipts exceed the
cost of the event.
Other activities either don't cost anything, or are done on a shared
cost/expense basis (ie, Low Country Boil). Jeff loves to point out we operate under the Common Adventure Model.
Membership fees pay the small admin expenses such as the web site.
Connection from United States, Virginia, Ashburn [39.0438,-77.4874]; AS14618, Inc.
+ Winter Rolling Sessions
Rolling Session Payments
Release forms are now required by all pools (Sorry...):
Note: If you are paying for multiple
people, please add-to-cart separate
times listing each name at left.
Paddler's EMail Address:
Please do not just add-quantity.
Boat Type:
+ Camping [Spring West River Release—May 5–7]
Camping [Spring West River Release—May 5–7]
Cost: $18/Person/Full Weekend (Friday–Monday);
No single night rate in Jamaica State Park.
One reservation per vehicle please! We have
to plan parking and tenting space. Thanks!
Number of People
Which Nights
Site Type/Sleeping Arrancements
Campers' Names
Auto Plate Number
(Button auto-enables Apr 1–30.)
+ Summer Rapid River Trip
No trip yet planned. (Jeff's not going.) If you want to organize
a group speak up and we'll see about making reservations.
+ Summer Forks Family Trip [Camping/Rafting/Shuttle]
Rafting, Shredder, & Duckie Usage:
Club boats are available free for club members to use on club trips. Talk to
Jeff or Skip to reserve one. (You must pickup and return the boat yourself.)
Call Riverdrivers directly for camping/shuttle reservations.
Tell them you're
you're on the MVP site.
+ Camping/Low Country Boil [Fall West River Release—Sep 20–22]
Low Country Boil [Fall West Fest—Saturday Sep 22]
We're doing another Low Country Boil again this year!
Campground Rules Require Changes This Year [IMPORTANT!]
Because of the way Vermont State Parks has changed the rules, group reservations are no longer allowed.
Instead many MVP club members have made individual reservations on behalf of the club. (The club fronted all the money.)
When the call for people to make reservations went out last fall almost 20 club members pitched in; each spending several hours on the phone attempting to call into the VT State Parks Reservation System. They were very successful and ended with more sites then normally needed by club members. The side-effect is this reduces space available to other members of the paddling community. This is unfortunate, but not our choice.
Additionally, all camp sites are reserved Friday–Monday so there will be no issues with people getting kicked off sites on Sunday. Plus more lean-to sites were reserved this year. Both of these changes means costs will be higher this year then last.
So this year, just reserve and pay as normal. However the site you'll be staying on will not be in the club's name, instead it will officially belong to whichever club member reserved it.
The distinction is important as you'll have to tell the park who you're staying with when you arrive.
You'll be notified a few days before the weekend whom you are sharing a site with.
Camping [Fall West River Release—Sep 21–22]
Vermont State Park Rules do not allow the
reselling of camp sites.
Due to this camping is limited to individuals
who have previously participated in MVP
activities. (ie, Camping (including the West last year),
Sessions, Dead Family Trip, etc.)
Membership is not required.
Cost: $22/Person/Full Weekend (Friday–Monday)
One reservation per vehicle please! It will be crowded and we have
to plan parking and tenting space. Thanks!
Each MVP Member is allowed to make
reservations for ONE SINGLE non-member guest. For exceptions
send email to
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Number of People
Which Nights
Site Type/Sleeping Arrancements
Other Camper's Name (besides yourself)
Auto Plate Number
Auto State
(Button auto-enables Sep 1–20.)
Fall West Child/Youth Camping
Cost: $9/Each Child/Weekend (Flat rate entire weekend);
Use "add to cart" for multiple kids.
Note: I'm not sure the age limit, still have to call the park. For now lets assume
it's under 18.
Select Number of Young Campers
Select Which Nights
Parent/Guardian/Responsible Adult Name:
Parent's (etc) EMail Address:
Child/Youth Names
(For multiple kids, please list names, then "add to cart" multiple times.)